Unless your job requires taking credit for the achievements of the whole company, standing out at the office is not really a daily treat. Though many got used to routine activities, feelings like not benefiting from professional challenges as well as not being appreciated might prove dangerous disabilities for your organization. Unhappy employees are unproductive employees. That’s why every manager has the duty of discovering the best working mechanisms and incentives in order to keep their employees engaged and plugged to their activities.
As this study shows, most of the reasons people are unhappy about at work spread over a wide range of needs each of us grow according to our personality and set of values. Yet, as various as they are, they look as one to me. In my perception, the general cause of all the 10 top reasons is just one big pink elephant in the room: the lack of unity that most companies experience.
There are several factors that contribute to the unity of a company and they all revolve around the social characteristics you employ for your organization. That’s why making a cultural inventory list from time to time is a good way of preventing your employees to feeling disengaged. You should know by now that there is no substitute for the culture your organization is built upon and just preserving it won’t do the trick – consider updating it according to the needs reflected by your ongoing plans and future ambitions. Do this without breaking your initial values agenda – you want a meaningful and concise guidance for your old employees, as well as for the ones that just joined the team. Adjust it when necessary, but don’t alter it – stability is one of the main aspects of a unified company.
Internal collaboration is also an expression of a business that promotes unity and it’s directly linked to the culture setting described above. We already listed the main advantages of using a knowledge sharing tool, so for this post I would like to draw attention to another (maybe more emotional) advantage of a collaborative work environment: it accelerates trust relationships. And this is the best “kit” that you can use to unlock comfort and thus efficiency for your employees.
Happy employees are more devoted to success and that’s all the reason you need in order to accept social business as an elementary management tool.
Happy Knowledge Sharing!
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