Knowledge is not limited anymore like in the past, when only influential people had access to books, documentations and other brain incentives. Nowadays, internet and collective knowledge makes it possible for everyone to study all kind of subjects by just a few clicks. Therefore, the real challenge now is to know where to look and to select the relevant texts. The accuracy of the information is debatable since anyone is free to post and publish more or less whatever they like, so a double check on the sources is required. And that takes extra time. That’s why most internauts made a habit out of following specific blogs, newspapers or publications according to their area of interest as well as their proven legibility.
So how do people search? By interrogating a database/written documentation. Or people. Or both. And the promoter of this rational procedure is the question.
The best practitioners of this process are kids. As this study reveals, the whys that kids keep asking are the most natural way of getting to the bottom of facts. Their advantage is that they don’t confront themselves with false worries – unlike adults who unfortunately are inclined to think less of themselves and consider a sign of weakness to ask. But asking is wanting to know. Asking is a sign of judgment.
Which reminds me – a cool trivia about the etymology of the word “question” is that its Latin root, “quaestionem” means “to seak”, “to examine”, “to investigate”. So how could anyone ever think “ignorance” alongside “question”?
Back to the collective system described at the beginning of this post. Try reducing its structure to a smaller scale: like a community. Like a business team. The change of the quantity detail leads to a limitation of the knowledge space and thus of the sources, but chances are you’ll get more specific information, faster. To benefit of such a system within your organization you only need to access a tool dedicated for knowledge sharing. The people are already there so the knowledge is also there, the only variable is to manage to capture it. And that’s the one purpose we had in mind when we created the Q&A format platform Quandora. Capture, protect and expand the knowledge in your team!
Happy Knowledge Sharing!
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