Using social business solutions opens new opportunities for managers to protect the most important asset an organization possesses: the human capital. Protecting and cultivating this resource asks for high leadership abilities as the mission of keeping relevant personnel is not an easy job to exercise today. The increasing freelancing wave, as well as the headhunting activities practiced by the human resources specialists makes securing employee loyalty a challenging channel to handle.
Enterprise 2.0 tools were born not to block out individual professional development behaviors, but to restrain the personnel migration caused by negative factors (oppressive work environment, disregard, dissatisfaction, isolation, strict managerial structures, etc) and thus to make room for employee engagement.
The enterprise social networks provide a great opportunity to better evaluate and also unleash the collective dynamics of your organization. In addition to this type of social practices, there are dedicated tools meant to employ the intellectual capital you own: knowledge sharing engines. And this is what we do.
We built a Questions&Answers platform, integrated it with other complementary solutions, added gamification features to it and called it Quandora. Our ambitions revolve around the knowledge transfer potential and also on the subsidiary perks resulting from it.
And there are proven benefits a knowledge sharing tool can bring to the table. Like capturing implicit knowledge. There’s a vast list of skills that originates in personal experience. You simply can’t teach know-how within professional training programs. But you can expose it by making everyone’s expertise available for internal use. This translates into higher standards of performance, speeding productivity and errors prevention.
Owning a business with similar goals and culture? Won’t hurt you test us for a 30 days free trial (suggestive winking) 🙂
Happy Knowledge Sharing!
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