Every Friday, we prepare for you a short digest with news covering subjects related to employee engagement, collaboration, organizational culture, knowledge sharing, leadership and the future of work.
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Here’s this week’s brief:
“In the digital age, collaboration…
…tools are a significant enabler of openness,” says Deloitte in Digital Collaboration: Delivering Innovation, Productivity and Happiness. “Openness correlates to engagement, to innovation and most significantly to the happiness of the workforce.” If implemented correctly, collaboration tools and technologies can provide a number of benefits, from accessing internal expertise to improving customer retention and boosting profits. Read Why collaboration is necessary for innovation for IT World Canada to get more on the story.
90% of respondents worldwide…
…believe that their organization’s success is dependent on four key pillars: collaboration, engagement, well-being and productivity, a new global study of the workplace, released by Mars Drinks found. The reverse relationship was not reported. “Employers want their organizations to be great places, and they want their teams to be energized, engaged and working together to achieve results,” explains Tracy Brower, Ph.D.. To learn more about the research findings, read Mars Drinks’ Workplace Study Finds Organizational Success Linked To Four Key Factors where you’ll find a link to download the original report as well.
Sharing knowledge across departments…
…is one of the small steps to take for developing a more collaborative and inclusive workplace culture, according to Danielle Sensley. “Organizational silos can be a huge hurdle to overcome. This is especially true for businesses that have recently undergone mergers, acquisitions, or have experienced an intense period of growth. Even in companies that start out with a strong culture of collaboration can find that information spreads less organically as the business continues to grow in size and scope. Breakdown silos by encouraging and rewarding behaviors that lead to information sharing.” Read her article 3 Simple Ways to Foster Workplace Collaboration for Business2Community to get more on the subject.
Employees should be free and encouraged…
…to help their colleagues’ grow. “If people aren’t free to help their colleagues grow in breadth and depth of skills and/or commitment, then the organization will never tap into its true human potential.”, Kevin O’Brien believes. “Individuals at all times are either growing or they are dying. When you choose to create a culture which encourages personal growth, you benefit from the natural cycle of human life. People learn and grow throughout their lifetimes.”. Read the full details in his article for Huffington Post 5 Questions for Organizational Leaders to Ask.
“We often forget that the term ‘structure’…
…in business is a metaphor. But he organization is not a structure, it’s a living community. “. “People are not a static resource, they are living assets that create all the other assets.”. At the same time, “employee engagement is crucial. It doesn’t guarantee success, but its absence pretty much guarantees failure.” We completely agree Philip Whiteley on his remarks. He concludes that “In business, we often talk about disruptive technology, and assume that as technology progresses, so do humans. This requires a new business model and new thinking. The most disruptive technologies of all are ideas.”. Read Individual shift, organizational shift, management shift for Management Issues to learn more.
Happy Knowledge Sharing!
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