The New Workplace Weekly Digest 07/10

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Every Friday, we prepare for you a short digest with news covering subjects related to employee engagement, collaboration, organizational culture, knowledge sharing, leadership and the future of work.

Follow us on Twitter for the latest news.

Here’s this week’s brief:

“Collaboration is more important today…

…than at any time in history. The increasing prevalence of knowledge workers, the shift toward flexible and remote work, the globalization of business and the speed of information means that everyone needs to collaborate effectively in order to be successful.”, says Boland Jones. There is no “target” to hit when it comes to communicating and collaborating more effectively – it’s a skill that can always be improved upon, just as the technology that facilitates it is constantly improving. Read more of his point of view in his blog post Every Organization’s Common Ground for PGi.

“If you’re embracing online collaboration…

…as a necessary evil — the only way to work with an increasingly dispersed team of global or remote workers, for example — then you’re doing it wrong. Online collaboration is not a second-best substitute for face-to-face work: It’s a complement with its own perks and benefits” says Alexandra Samuel, an expert in online engagement. “You’ll get the greatest payoff from online collaboration if you make use of an eclectic range of collaboration tools that support a diversity of working and communication styles.”. Read her post Collaborating Online Is Sometimes Better than Face-to-Face for Harvard Business Review to understand why she stands by these opinions.

Soft skills are those skills that the US…

…Department of Labor lists as Communication; Enthusiasm and Attitude; Teamwork; Networking; Problem Solving and Critical Thinking; and Professionalism. Ad that’s enough details to understand why Morgan Browning argues the term itself – “every one of those skills is absolutely critical to success in today’s business environment, and calling them “soft” subtly diminishes their importance.” Learn more on why soft skills are vital for the success of an organization from his post for, The Hard Truth About Soft Skills.

Businesses (and institutions alike) must…

…embed collaboration solutions into the DNA of their organization to unleash the power of human collaboration. The workplace of the future has the potential of transforming not only the way we work, but also the way we learn and live today, tomorrow, and in the future. The workforce of the future demands for collaboration tools and services that help employees successfully achieve their goal or mission faster—and NOT by working harder, but smarter. Read more on the subject in Marc Alexis Remond’s guest post Workplace of the future: What’s in it for the workforce of today? for

85% of our financial success was due to…

…skills in “human engineering”, personality, and ability to communicate, negotiate, and lead. And only 15% was due to technical ability. In other words people skills or skills highly related to emotional intelligence were crucial skills, according to a research carried out by The Carnegie Institute of Technology. And there are many other researches showing that people with strong emotional intelligence are more likely to succeed than those with high IQs or relevant experience, research shows. Read more on why emotional intelligence is so important from Harvey Deutschendorf’s post for FastCompany, Why Emotional Intelligent People Are More Successful.

Happy Knowledge Sharing!

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