Every Friday, we prepare for you a short digest with news covering subjects related to employee engagement, collaboration, organizational culture, knowledge sharing, leadership and the future of work.
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Here’s this week’s brief:
Being a contributor is more important…
…than being a hero. Contribution is the fundamental element to effective communication, collaboration, and learning. And since we would not have come as far as we have as a species if every time we learned something new we kept it to ourselves, collective learning is a defining feature of humankind. When we inquire, explore, and discover, we want to share it – if not with the world, then at least with our in-group. And we couldn’t agree more with Garr Reynolds. Read the post from his blog Presentation Zen, Contribution: the key to authenticity, engagement, & meaning to learn more.
Following an interesting article…
…that notes that the ability of experts to add value in their predictions is steadily declining, Nick Milton underlines that the role of the expert can change to a knowledge management one, by sharing their knowledge through coaching, training, and contributions to the community, thus becoming a critical part of the collective. His conclusion is that we should recognize the new world, where the crowd can be smarter than any single expert, so long as the experts are given a new role within the crowd, and feel themselves to be stewards of the knowledge within the collective. To learn more, read his blog post The expert – dumber than the crowd? for Knoco Stories.
Identifying and shaping your leadership…
…style is crucial as the workplace landscape is changing. In order to stay relevant, companies need to constantly be in search of innovative solutions to increase productivity and engage workers. That’s why business experts are encouraging companies to start embracing a collaborative approach as traditional models of leadership simply do not work in our increasingly diverse and complex society. Being able to share knowledge, power and credit is one of the five qualities of a collaborative leader. If you’d like to learn more, check out this infographic featured in Larry Kim post for Inc.com, Are You a Traditional or Collaborative Leader? (Infographic).
Many leaders are surprised to learn that…
…they can be the barriers that clog the flow results in greater organizational vigor, more engaged employees, and more effective organizations. We assume that we’ve communicated effectively when, in reality, the information we share is sparse, insufficient, infrequent, or simply inaccurate. So if managers don’t make a conscious effort to facilitate the flow of information, rather than obstruct it, vital communication is likely to dissipate before reaching the where it is needed most. Learn more about the lack of critical information inside companies and what we can do to stop it from Tracy Maylett’s article ‘The Irrigation Effect’: Why Your Employees Aren’t Getting the Message for Entrepreneur.com.
It costs about $50,000 in average to…
…replace a single staff member considering all the hidden costs, according to a study carried out by Oxford Economics. They say the strength of a company is the sum of its people, with their knowledge, their innovative ideas, and their commitment. So when someone leaves, the whole ecosystem might be at distress. Fortunately, there is a way to minimize the damage and to help your team further benefit from the knowledge of the departing employee. Learn how to keep knowledge inside your organization even when your knowledge workers decide to leave the company from our latest blog post, The Cost Of Losing An Employee and How To Build Your Safety Net.
Happy Knowledge Sharing!
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