Every Friday, we prepare for you a short digest with news covering subjects related to employee engagement, collaboration, organizational culture, knowledge sharing, leadership and the future of work.
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Here’s this week’s brief:
“Achieving consistently high levels of…
…staff adoption of digital workplace tools is not an easy process. Part of the problem is that expectations tend to focus on short-term quantifiable metrics as an indicator of ongoing success. But trying to precisely measure how staff collaborate, communicate and share knowledge with one another is very tricky. It’s not that you shouldn’t try to measure and quantify all of this. But you need to make an even stronger case about the new possibilities these technologies and tools can bring about. What new processes will they help create? What will happen once having more staff closely collaborating with one another? What will happen if more expertise is connected throughout the business?” Read Martyn Perks’s post Digital Workplace Adoption: We’re in This for the Long Haul for CMSWire for the full story.
“Even before the first computer was…
…conceptualized, people dreamed of the day when office work could be done from anywhere, anytime. Over time, we’ve realized that dream. But innovations in technology also create expectations, especially for businesses trying to navigate new workplace realities. In this era of restless, mobile, global employees, there are key issues for businesses to know. For one, a digital workplace is more than the sum of its parts: it’s less defined by things like intranets, productivity suites and messaging platforms than by a culture of enterprise collaboration. And no matter how many technologies a company embraces or how well it implements them, one thing is clear: The most important mandate of the digital office is to put people first.” Read Do People Have A Place in Digital Workplaces? by Al Gomez for CMSWire to get more on this topic.
“Collaborative technologies are making…
…employees happier in the workplace, whether or not they have the ability to work from home. Of the 710 UK decision makers and information workers surveyed by Dropbox, 81% of those already using collaboration tools in a flexible working environment are happy in their job, while this dropped to 67% for employees who are able to work from home, but don’t have access to collaboration tools. “There is clear evidence that a collaborative approach results in increased employee satisfaction,” Les Pyle, Chief Executive of the Institute for Collaborative Working said. Dropbox’s findings echoes recent research undertaken by Warwick University Business School that identified an enhanced satisfaction of both customers and employees through collaboration.” Read Collaboration makes flexible workers happier by Clare Hopping for Cloud Pro.
“Nearly 1/5 of those surveyed (19%) say…
…they currently do not have enough skilled or experienced staff and nearly a quarter (23%) of business executives surveyed say it is difficult to recruit skilled workers, a new study done by Epicor Software Corporation shows. A full 50% of the U.S. workforce is expected to be freelancers by 2020 and with long-term, full-time employment no longer the norm, organizations need to make crucial adjustments. Most notably, there is a shift in emphasis from employee retention to worker engagement and a move to institutionalize knowledge to ensure virtual worldwide talent pools can effortlessly engage/collaborate. Social collaboration makes it easier for employees to contribute and transfer institutional knowledge, supporting effective employee on boarding and overall productivity.” Read Digital Is The Buzz, But Recruiters Still Ignoring Millennials for CXOToday to get more on this story.
Lowering stress by promoting a…
…healthy workplace can boost productivity. There are benefits to cultivating a culture of happy employees. A great atmosphere encourages collaboration and innovation – two things that are necessary to attract top talent. Improvement is key to motivating employees and creating productive workplaces. Employees who believe in the work they do are more likely to succeed at their job. Demonstrating to your employees that they have a valued role within your organization is part of this. Cultivating each of these aspects is important for long-term retention. Open channels of communication, encourage flexibility, and reward your employees. Employees want to work at a company where they feel valued, respected, and emotionally balanced. Read Overcoming Organizational Stress by David M Kirby for Huffington Post.
Happy Knowledge Sharing!
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