Every Friday, we prepare for you a short digest with news covering subjects related to employee engagement, collaboration, organizational culture, knowledge sharing, leadership and the future of work.
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Here’s this week’s brief:
Transparency in the workplace…
…allows teams to better share knowledge and work together closely. However, this transparency needs to find its right balance in order to work and support employees in making improvements, to develop and learn without the fear of a bad performance review that might keep them from sharing mistakes. Read Ethan Bernstein’s article The Smart Way to Create a Transparent Workplace for The Wall Street Journal.
We’re (almost) all Facebook…
…fans, and we could use some of the ideas provided by the social network at work. Enterprise Social Collaboration applications are somehow similar to Zuckerberg’s network. They could be used to solve difficult problem at work instead of exchanging emails with colleagues. Relevant information posted on Enterprise 2.0 tools can be accessed by the entire organization, facilitating knowledge sharing. Check out Ana Lucia Soler Villanueva’s post Enterprise Social Collaboration Is Not For Taking Selfies At Work for Mondaq.
It’s not enough to be smart…
…Today’s work environment demands adaptation and collaboration. “In a world that requires innovation, you need to be driven by curiosity and love of learning,” says professor Edward Hess at the University of Virginia’s Darden School of Business. He made a list of skills and attitudes that are essential in order to succeed in today’s workspace and Diane Stafford presents it to us in her article for The Sun Herald, Adaptation + Collaboration = Success.
What does collaboration worth…
…in terms of money? Deloitte calculated and found out that it’s $46 billion per year in Australia alone. This is “the value of faster-growing, profitable businesses with collaboration at their core”. More than a third of the employees questioned said that collaboration helped them work faster, while a good 18% told the researches that their work can’t be done without collaboration. Find out more from this Whatech article entitled Quantifying collaboration.
Don’t take pride in being busy…
…Whip into shape your life and your email Inbox. Enterprise 2.0 solutions like Slack and Quandora can help you get more productive and cut interruptions that kill creativity. These two products enable teams to reduce email burnout and share knowledge throughout a dedicated Q&A platform. Find out from our latest blog post, Being Less Busy Is a Choice – Exercise It!, how to share knowledge, work better and reduce email.
Happy Knowledge Sharing!
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