As our users already know, Quandora’s integration with Slack is available for over a year now.
Many Slack-Quandora users told us that they sometimes use Slack to ask questions inside their team. Or simply discuss matters that were already addressed.
Oftentimes, these questions and topics already exist in Quandora and users could get the information they’re looking for instantly.
That’s why we decided to make it easier for them to access Quandora content without having to leave Slack.
Introducing: Quandora slash commands
In this first phase, there are two type of available Quandora slash commands:
- Help
- Search
The help command includes everything you should know about existing slash commands (search for now):
*–tags*, *-t* – a tag name or a comma separated list of tag names to filter the results on
*–page*, *-p* – the result page to display. Defaults to 1
*–kbase*, *-k* – a knowledge base name to limit the search
*query* – a text to query on. can contain multiple tokens separated by spaces
Perform a search on a Quandora domain.
There are 3 types of search you can do:
- Full text search – this type of search is using the words on the command line after the search options as the search words.
`/quandora search java programming`
`/quandora search -t web java programming`
- Phrase match search – if you surround your search words by quotes an exact phrase match will be performed:
`/quandora search “java programming”`
- Advanced search – just preprend the ! character before your search tokens and you can perform advanced searches
`/quandora search ! tag:(java AND javascript)`
More information about advanced search.
Apart the search query you can filter out the results either by tags or restrict the seatrch to a single Knoweldge base given its name:
- `/quandora -k products`
- `/quandora -t java.javascript`
The search results are paginated and only 5 questions are displayed inside Slack.
If you want to get the next bunch of results just use the -p (or –page) attribute to get the next page (the first page is page 1)
Example: `/quandora -p 2 my search`
Note that the search is done using your corresponding Quandora user (so all the restrictions you may have on your user in Quandora applies also on the search command).
How to activate Quandora slash commands in Slack
Here are steps to take in order to start using slash commands:
- go to your Slack account: Menu> Configure Apps> Custom Integrations> Slash Commands> Add Configuration
- create a new slash command with the following details:
Command: /quandora
Method: POST.
All other fields are optional and customizable (name, icon, etc).
- copy the command token generated by Slack and then go to your Quandora domain (you need to be a Quandora domain administrator): Manage Domain> Activity Sharing
- paste the command token in the specified field.
Save changes and you’re good to go.
If you need any assistance with setting up a Quandora domain and link it to your Slack team, drop us an email at
Happy Knowledge Sharing!
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