The New Workplace Weekly Digest 8/29

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Every Friday, we prepare for you a short digest with news covering subjects related to employee engagementcollaborationorganizational cultureknowledge sharingleadership and the future of work.

Follow us on Twitter for the latest news.

Here’s this week’s brief:

Do you have a good understanding of…

…Generation Y as employees? As the largest generation in our history, millenials will soon make up the majority of thw workforce. Being creative, wanting to be a leader are goals they follow, but what about their other values? Read all about it in John Boitnott’s article on Inc., Dear CEO, This is Why Millennials Don’t Want to Work for You.

Offering the best product or service…

…when starting your own business is natural. But when entrepreneurs start realizing they need to recruit other complementary talent to make it happen, the cultivation of employee morale becomes as important. The feedback channel is improved by surveys. Davis Nilssen tells us in his Entreprenur article about 20 best practices when conducting an employee survey.

The one-size-fits-all-model is no good strategy…

…when it comes to organizational culture. Enhancing employee happiness and productivity should be a main concern for every company that wants to unlock employee engagement. Kate Harrison spoke with two companies in opposite industries (one tech, one traditional) about best practices for companies that approach a “meet in the middle” philosophy. Read all about it in her Forbes article.

In order to ensure their teams are collaborating…

…effectively, managers need to use a series of practices. From leveraging technology to simplify virtual collaboration to reframing their management style and put trust at the center, Bill Hurley lists top 5 best practices to remember when supporting a virtual team. Read his “How a manager can promote the Future of Work” article.

Wikis are valuable tools for certain purposes…

…like writing implementation specifications or other static documentations. But when it comes to stimulating knowledge capitalization, their format and topicality don’t help. Read this How is Quandora different from Wikis blog post to learn more about the different features of the these two collaborative tools.

Happy Knowledge Sharing!

Looking for a great way to ask questions and build knowledge with your co-workers? Quandora enables simple, efficient knowledge sharing with your team, way more fun than a mailing list or a forum. Try Quandora

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