Every Friday, we prepare for you a short digest with news covering subjects related to employee engagement, collaboration, organizational culture, knowledge sharing, leadership and the future of work.
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Here’s this week’s brief:
“Industry view: 9 to 5 a thing of the past?”
– Erika Campbell, The Press and Journal, Aug 14, 2014PWC’s latest research, Future of Work: A Journey to 2022, concludes that traditional office environment could soon become a thing of the past. By surveying over 10,000 workers and 500 global HR professionals, they gathered some interesting data that broke down into 3 potential scenarios – take their quiz to see where you’d fit it. They conclude by saying that people will be categorized and rewarded for having specialist expertise. Read the complete article here.
“Are you Engaging Your Team? The Top Reasons People Leave Leaders, Not Organisations”
– Laura Close, Australia Business Review, Aug 15, 2014According to a Gallup poll of more than one million employed workers, poor leadership is the number one reason why employees leave and go elsewhere. By listing three major reason where leadership goes wrong, the author tries to underline why workforce is currently disengaged at work. Empowering your people and leading by example are best practices. Read the complete article here.
“7 Proven Ways to Genuinely Connect With Your Employees”
– Peter Economy, Inc., Aug 13, 2014
Enthusiasm is essential if you want to your employees to bring the very best of them to work. It’s not an easy job to make them excited about solving problems and creating a culture where they’d feel welcomed to express new ideas. But this what it takes if you want your customers to be taken care of. Putting people first and creating golden opportunities for personal growth are two ways of doing it. Read the complete article here.
“Manage Culture to Engage Today’s Multigenerational Workforce”
– Ia Ko, Talent Management, Aug 07, 2014You can’t talk about employee engagement without bringing up culture. Managing today’s multigenerational workforce is a challenge, but this article offers different tips on how to handle it. Telecommuting and work-life balance are aspects that millennials won’t do without. Now is the moment to be intentional about driving an organizational culture. Read the complete article here.
“Should Managers Focus on Performance or Engagement?”
– Annamarie Mann and Ryan Darby, Gallup Business Journal, Aug 05, 2014Should performance or engagement have priority for managers? Looks like high-performance managers can do both. No matter which one they’ll ignore, the risk of alienating their team members will lower engagement and as a consequence, damage performance. Containing a 12 elements of great management list, this article will show you best practices when it comes to this subject. Read the complete article here.
“Popular Questions by Functional Role: Human Resources”
– Jeff Gillis, Quandora, Aug 12, 2014Our Popular Questions by Functional Role series continues with the use case of human resources departments. Quandora users who work in HR tell us that they use Quandora in two ways: in a company-wide way, and in a private, team-oriented way. From adding themselves sensitive questions that employees prefer to address in person, to starting non-work related talks, the HR people have the liberty of using the private Q&A platform according to their needs. Read the complete article here.
Happy Knowledge Sharing!
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