Every Friday, we prepare for you a short digest with news covering subjects related to employee engagement, collaboration, organizational culture, knowledge sharing, leadership and the future of work.
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Here’s this week’s brief:
Is your organization’s culture owned by…
…the CEO? Once the desired culture and fitting values are identified, in order to ensure a healthy and singular culture, a CEO should be patient, model the values consistently and inform all employees on behavioral expectations. Read Terri Allan’s post on the subject in Huffington Post
Telecommuting is synonymous with…
the future of work. Sean Kim shares with us best practices when it comes to working remotely. You can still build successful companies and provide employees the liberty of working from anywhere, anytime. Why? More productive work hour is one reason. How? By value performance over presence and by communicating. Learn the rest of the tricks by reading his “Why the future of work is already here” article.
Is your manager a taskmaster only…
or a leader as well? Brian Fielkov explains the contrast: while”manager” refers to a position in an organization, leadership is a quality. But there are managers that can also be excellent managers, provided they consider some rules, like: implementing the 3 T’s (trust, transparency, respectful treatment), putting their mission and values into actions or keeping up with the trends. Read the rest of leadership best practices in Entrepreneur.
Being authentic storytellers and…
…courageous are future leaders qualities. The roles that leaders play, the tasks they perform, the skills they need and how they interact with other people are all changing. Roger Trapp takes us to a future leaders particularities tour in this Forbes article, citing Lynda Gratton, a professor at the London Business School
We’re at a point in the enterprise social…
…space where waiting is risky. If your organization doesn’t use social tools yet, you should start your action plan. And if it does, find better ways to include it in your internal processes. Kevin Conroy takes us back to basics and to-dos with enterprise collaboration in this CMS Wire article. Also featuring mobile strategies, speed of business, SharePoint, cloud and analytics.
How do Biz Dev professionals…
…use Quandora to collaborate? My colleague, Jeff Gills continues his Popular Questions by Functional Role blog post series with this two-part article dedicated to business developers. If you thought their activity is only connected to partnerships with other companies, whether it’s an integration or a merger with another company, a co-sponsorship or co-marketing deal, think again.
Happy Knowledge Sharing!
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