The New Workplace Weekly Digest 7/25

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Every Friday, we prepare for you a short digest with news covering subjects related to employee engagementcollaborationorganizational cultureknowledge sharingleadership and the future of work.

Follow us on Twitter for the latest news.

Here’s this week’s brief:

A toxic organizational culture…

…equals false transparencies, mistrust and massive leadership failures. People that feel irrelevant to the organizational system, the “Nobody” group, don’t adhere by choice to this unhappy employees body. Ternina Allen believes there are 3 reasons to blame: culture that supports complacency, leadership doesn’t notice and poor performance that gets rewarded. Read more on the subject in her Linkedin post.

Keeping secrets holds back…

…innovation. Starting from P&G’s open innovation programme, Assistant Professor of Strategy at INSEAD – Felipe Monteiro, talks about how secrecy and tension can hamper collaborative efforts. Read his article on Insead to understand how protecting intellectual property on one side and granting trust and reciprocity on the other can work together in order to generate creative processes.

Employees know the difference between…

…being given orders and being offered encouragement. Working harder and smarter is not that hard to achieve if employee feel motivated and empowered to succeed. Carolyn O’Hara believes that emphasizing what you have in common, share whatever information you can, admit mistakes and accept responsibility are the essential “Do’s” for every leader. Read more about the proven ways to earn your employees trust in her HBR blog post.

Continuous learning supports…

…agile adoption in enterprises. Ben Linders quotes in his InfoQ article different managers and agile coaches in order to make the point of how important establishing and nurturing a continuous learning culture is for organizations. Collectively seeking performance improvement through new knowledge and new skills, allowing feedback and reflection, communicating, recognizing mistakes and collect data are relevant for the process of achieving the goals of the organization

Somebody looking for a knowledge sharing…

…solution may feel overwhelmed by the variety of products that exist on the collaboration marketplace nowadays. Mailing lists, though popular among open source projects, have a list of shortcomings like no or rudimentary archiving, primitive UX and limited search & discovery options. In our “How is Quandora different from…” blog post series, mailing lists are featured in episode 1.

Happy Knowledge Sharing!

Looking for a great way to ask questions and build knowledge with your co-workers? Quandora enables simple, efficient knowledge sharing with your team, way more fun than a mailing list or a forum. Try Quandora

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