Every Friday, we prepare for you a short digest with news covering subjects related to employee engagement, collaboration, organizational culture, knowledge sharing, leadership and the future of work.
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Here’s this week’s brief:
As organizations deploy enterprise…
…social tools to help their employees become more efficient and to collaborate, companies need to be thoughtful with this social strategy. As productivity is seen as a soft benefit, thus hard to measure, quantifiable business benefits need to be uncovered. But there are many aces in the sleeve if you want to have a successful program. Check out the interview Can We Really Be “Social” At Work? with Julian Mills, Head, Corporate Intranet and Internal Social Media,Bank of Montreal by Joanna Belbey for Forbes.
You’re not as busy as you think…
…you are. And there are many ways to reclaim your day if you stop (not specific tasks as many might assume), but behaviors you got drawn into that are the biggest time-wasters. One of these behaviors is trying to figure everything out alone – getting advice cand save time and provide valuable insight. Your colleagues are a knowledge source – use it. Find out other time-wasting behaviors by reading 5 Fake-Productivity Things You’re Doing That Are A Waste of Time by Gwen Moran for FastCompany.
Organizations are seeing tangible benefits…
…from networked, social and interactive tools – be it an intranet, an ESN, an Enterprise Q&A or any other collaboration tool. And since one of their aims is to break silos, enterprise social can strive when it’s integrated with other systems and tools. Accepting that there’s no do-it-all tool is the first step in understanding that the digital workplace incorporates at least three dimensions: structured collaboration, social collaborative and managed content. Want to learn more? Read Why Choose? Mix and Match Tools to Fit Your Digital Workplace Needs by Sharon O’dea for CMSWire.
The first step for making business and IT…
…become better at sharing needed information is establishing an awareness and education program that promotes the benefits and goals of information sharing. Once employees begin to see that executive management is supporting this approach the political barriers begin to fall. An information sharing approach encouraged by executive leadership helps support and influence all parties involved for inter-organizational collaboration. Wondering where this is going? Then you should read CIOs: How to create an information sharing culture, an interview with Brian Lozada, chief information officer of Abacus Group conducted by Minda ZetlinThe Enterprises Project.
Coopetition is a word coined more than…
…a century ago, in 1913. It describes a situation that occurs when two competing entities find common ground and cooperate with each other to reach a level impossible to get to by themselves. it’s curious how the effects of competition change almost dramatically when triggered outside the company. As far as industry is concerned, without competition, we wouldn’t have innovation – while when used inside the company, it constrains it. Have a look at our latest blog post, Coopetition, Inside and Outside Organizations.
Happy Knowledge Sharing!
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