Every Friday, we prepare for you a short digest with news covering subjects related to employee engagement, collaboration, organizational culture, knowledge sharing, leadership and the future of work.
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Here’s this week’s brief:
The more connected this world becomes…
…the bigger the temptation to be permanently available for work. Checking emails first thing in the morning and before going to sleep? Setting boundaries might be a better solution – maintaining a difference between being connected and being available is not only natural, but it also triggers more engagement. Jacob Morgan makes a burnout warning in his latest article for Forbes, Connectivity does not mean availability and we suggest to listen to what he has to say.
Collaboration will be “the most important…
…strategic activity in organizations”, and it will be vital for every team that wants to perform well in the future. Using tools that help manage global networks, and sharing information with your group are among the most important skills required in the digital age, Dion Hinchcliffe writes in his article What Are the Required Skills for Today’s Digital Workforce. You’ll want to take a look at it if you care about keeping up with the next-gen workplace.
It turns out that 15 percent of those…
…questioned about what would they change if they were the boss, would improve communication, while 10 percent talked about empathy and people skills, a survey has found. “When communication fails, extra work is required, whether because employees must rework projects that were initially completed incorrectly due to miscommunications or because multiple employees mistakenly work on the same tasks as the result of unclear instructions,” Eric Sue says. Are you intrigued already? Read his article for Entrepreneur What’s the No. 1 Thing Employees Would Change If They Were the Boss? to get to the bottom of this topic.
Social collaboration technologies are…
…more and more becoming part of every organization. Rawn Shah talks about how shared purpose organizations work. Our favorite part? “Organizations who say they feel stronger shared purpose are also more cross-communicative, as evidence by their significantly greater use of online communities and collaborative environments”. Read more about the Digital Workplace survey 2015 findings in his article for Forbes, The Leadership Paradox Of Shared Purpose.
Developers as well as other hard working…
…individuals feel frustrated when they get interrupted by a constantly annoying email box. Studies have shown that when you’re distracted, you need 33% more time to complete a task. The good news is that you can considerably reduce email interruptions by making use of Enterprise 2.0 tools, helping with both productivity and communication. Read out latest blog post How far do you have to go for a distractions-free workflow? to learn more.
Happy Knowledge Sharing!
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